With Net Zero 2050 establishing a statutory deadline for the UK to reduce carbon emissions so what we take is balanced with what we put back, the business case for addressing energy efficiency in the workplace is no longer a discussion.
However far our own actions for change have developed, the milestones for nationwide sustainability are already in place. The 2030 goal implemented by The Paris Agreement means we must all now address energy efficiency in our businesses as well as our homes.
Yet the reasons don’t just stop there. An energy efficient business will save money as energy use is reduced whilst appearing more caring, innovative, socially responsible, health- conscious, forward-thinking and open to change.
So what to do?
For many of us, it’s intimidating enough to take action over our own personal carbon emissions so how do you translate the process to an organisation of many?
Let’s work through the best steps to take to build energy efficiency in the workplace, sooner
rather than later.
Actionable Energy Saving Tips For UK Businesses Preparing For 2050
1.Company-wide energy strategy: The lone employee calling for greener working practices is a thing of the past. Energy efficiency is now a legislated change with £90 million pounds behind it and countless schemes heading our way in the coming years to completely transform how we live.
It’s fair to say, attitudes in the UK have also been sharply pulled into touch and the overwhelming majority of the population are fully behind the change.
All in all, these elements combine to mean the creation of a company-wide energy strategy is essential. This may sound a large step but not only is it the best way to set accountable actions in stone, it’s also a sensible first step for a fast-rising, urgent national and global issue. Regulations for a wide range of sustainability issues are clearly on their way so an energy strategy will be helpful for everything from compliance to organisation.
Begin with an audit of existing energy use in the company. Ensure you have a designated person responsible for the strategy and acquire stakeholder buy-in from the very top of your organisation.
Ensure actions cover a comprehensive range of aspects. Company-wide policies for things like: keeping equipment in a clean condition and good working order for optimum levels of efficiency and switching equipment off at the mains, should all be part of a company-wide energy strategy.
2.Heat: Top of the list for any actions on energy efficiency should be heat. According to Ofgem, heating is responsible for almost half the energy we consume in the UK. That’s why the installation of renewable heating in our homes and businesses is top of the government agenda.
If we don’t make significant improvements in the efficiency of how we heat our
buildings, any changes we make in the name of Net Zero 2050 are rendered
ineffective because carbon emissions from energy use for heating, here in the UK, are so high.
Your energy review will provide all the valuable information you need as you seek professional guidance on the best type of renewable heating solution for your business. For affordability, practicality and performance, heat pumps top the list for low carbon heating but you’ll need professional advice to find the best solutions for your business.
3. Insulation: The effectiveness of current insulation across your building should be a major priority. Our insulation maintenance levels have dropped over the last ten years, yet a poorly insulated building is literally leaking money as well as heat. Commission a proper review of insulation across the building by professional experts then set about sealing all gaps and holes so the heat you do produce stays in the building, meaning you’ll immediately use less heat.
4. Lighting: Most of us have already swapped the glaring halogen bulbs and fluorescent tubes of old for LED lighting. With a lifespan of around 20 years, money- saving, low carbon LED bulbs are no-brainer. However, have you considered
automated lighting?
With smart controls to switch your lights on and off, you’re guaranteed to make massive cost-savings, as well as reducing carbon emissions and giving good reason to remove those unsightly “remember to switch the lights off” posters!
Smart controls come with regulated lighting so high-performing lights can be dimmed and optimised for different times of the day meaning benefits for health, wellbeing, productivity and office aesthetic alongside reduced lighting costs.
5. Environmental controls: It’s exactly the same for environmental controls. With smart controls for air conditioning in place, you can ensure issues causing wastage such as: air con on in the wrong season, at the wrong time of day, when no-one is around or ineffective temperature control, are a thing of the past.
Whether climate control or other operations, smart controls offer a multitude of wider benefits for your work community whilst saving money and lowering carbon emissions.
Talk to us about the specifics of your building and business needs today. We’ll help your company make a vital contribution to the UK’s national strategy to lower carbon emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.
Call us today on 0207 272 2259 or send us a message.
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