Changing how we heat our homes here in the UK is already out of our hands. By 2035 we will no longer have the option of choosing to install a gas boiler in our homes and businesses.
Our 2030 and 2050 milestones to UK Net Zero mean the question is now about the most practical, sustainable option to swap our gas boilers for. And it’s the same story around the globe.
Gas boilers have quietly hummed away like a background theme to our lives without us giving them much thought. Yet, if we don’t replace gas boilers with renewable options at a rapid pace, our use of fossil fuels is set to double by 2030.
Here in the UK, almost half the energy we consume is used to heat our homes and businesses. That means a national and global reduction in carbon emissions is highly dependent on each of us replacing our gas boilers with a renewable solution, which for the majority of us will be a heat pump.
Suitable for homes and businesses, heat pumps answer all the practical requirements we have for domestic and commercial heating. Indeed, mass installation of heat pumps, in the form of air source heat pumps and ground source heat pumps, is fast-impending across the UK and the world.
Let’s take a look at how heat pumps stack up against the many practical duties our gas boilers have delivered for so long.
Let’s be honest. Good intentions aside, the first thing you need to know is whether you can afford a heat pump. Where renewable energy once looked like the preserve of the few, who were most likely to appear on the next season of Grand Designs, things have moved quickly.
Across the world in 2020, the IEA reports ‘almost 180 million heat pumps were used’ to hea homes and businesses. In 2021, demand for heat pumps rose by 28% here in the UK alone. In Germany, heat pumps have outstripped gas boiler use in homes with Spain, France and Italy following close behind.
It’s the same story across the globe from Iceland to Korea and the US. Demand for heat pump installation has increased 10% each year for the past 5 years, with an expectation that 600 million heat pumps will be installed by 2030 and 1,800 million by 2050, according to the IEA 2021 roadmap.
With the UK government fully behind the change and two thirds of us believing renewable energy should be rolled out across our buildings sooner rather than later, that’s good news for our pockets.
It will cost you more to install a heat pump at present but the UK government has already committed to bring costs into line with gas boilers in the coming years and there are financial schemes to lower costs
in place.
Financial support

The most popular is the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) which can be used for domestic and commercial installations. Under the scheme, you receive payments every three months in return for the low carbon heat your heat pump produces. The government has given a March 2022 end date for the scheme at present with the Clean Heat Grant beginning from April 2022. The Clean Heat Grant will give you a sizeable chunk of money upfront to slash the cost of installing a heat pump.
Rising boiler costs
On the flip side, it’s inevitable gas boilers in the UK and around the globe are going to become increasingly expensive for two reasons. Firstly, our attitudes as a global community towards our use of fossil fuels have changed dramatically in recent years and human over- consumption is no longer acceptable to most of us.

Couple that with UK and world government sign-up to 2030 and 2050 goals, with our commitment here in the UK now statutory, levies on fossil fuel use are clearly on the way with action on heating top of the list.
So although heat pumps cost more to install, there is financial help from the government to reduce initial costs, with the prospect of gas boilers soon becoming more expensive than heat pumps to purchase a reality.
Lower energy bills
Regardless, in the long run, initial costs for heat pumps are soon recouped, with ongoing financial savings due to the reduction in energy bills as well as financial reward from the government. Heat pumps run more efficiently so they give you more heat for less money meaning you’ll use less energy, reducing your energy bills long term.
That means heat pumps cost less to run than gas boilers with the prospect of cuts to your energy bills a welcome return on investment, particularly as fuel costs are on the rise.
Energy efficiency
Heat pumps are designed to be efficient so they outperform boilers when it comes to your heat supply too. Gas boilers deliver around 90% of the energy they consume to your home, the rest is wasted. Heat pumps on the hand give back around 300%, in some cases 400%, of the energy they use.
With installation of heat pumps including an energy efficiency review, you may also find there’s room to improve the performance of the building’s insulation. Gaps in walls and floors is money wasted, damaging the efficiency levels you can reap from your heat pump so you may choose to improve insulation as part of your milestones to sustainable living.
Heat pumps also improve efficiency by regulating the heat you receive. By delivering a more consistent temperature, instead of the sharp rise and fall we’re used to receiving from gas boilers, heat pumps give you a better, cheaper heat experience. Not to mention the advantages of contemporary built into the technology
Baths, showers and winter heating
Carefully regulated heat from a contemporary design means you can still receive adequate heat to run your home year round from a heat pump. Iceland has one of the world’s biggest takeups of heat pumps so clearly our winters are a cinch!
A heat pump system will still enable the family to continue with baths, showers and all the other heating requirement we’ve enjoyed from gas boilers.
Installation is easy, with the installation of air source heat pumps only taking a few days. For ground source heat pumps, the fitting of pipework in the ground beside the property means installation takes a little longer. ...more
Heat pumps can be used in all weathers, just like gas boilers. Air source heat pumps must be installed in a safe and sensible place to protect them from harsh weather but that’s no different to the installation of any equipment.
Talk to us today about the practicalities of installing a heat pump in your London home or business, to help you decide whether heat pumps are the right renewable solution for you.
Call us today on 0207 272 2259 or send us a message.
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